Behind The Bar

The Benefits of Infused. Cocktails! Why You Should Try Cocktail Infusion Kits

Infuse natural flavour directly into your favourite spirit with our Infused. Cocktail infusion kits! Made using only the best in organic fruits, sugars, herbs and spices., recreate your favourite classics, or try new spins on traditional cocktails right at home. Having a get-together? Make party-sized servings of your favourite cocktails with three easy steps: Pour, Wait, & Shake!

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Why I Love... The Old Fashioned - Spirits With Smoke Inc - Behind The Bar
All of us have a favourite cocktail. Or, as it is in my case, several favourite cocktails. But one cocktail that has continued to stand the test of time, both in my personal repertoire and in bars, cocktail lounges, and...
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Smoked Espresso Martini
Last month we decided to collaborate with Gold Door Coffee to craft a cocktail that combines their excellent coffees, with our love of smoked cocktails to give that caffeine kick you need. After making and consuming a few cocktails, we narrowed down...
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