The Get Up & Go You Need

Last month we decided to collaborate with Gold Door Coffee to craft a cocktail that combines their excellent coffees, with our love of smoked cocktails to give that caffeine kick you need. After making and consuming a few cocktails, we narrowed down our favourite to the “French Press Martini.”. This is our take on the classic Espresso Martini, but designed so that anyone can make these in their homes without the need to have an espresso machine in your kitchen! It’s important to us that the cocktail would be easy for people to make at home during mandatory Social Distancing and Social Isolation, so we made it out of items that most people have in their homes.
Just to give you some background of Gold Door Coffee it was started by a well caffeinated Troy Goldthorp with a vision to bringing excellent coffee from across Canada to coffee lovers.
“I had been travelling the world working as a stage actor for years. I was seeing all these amazing places, and because it was always for work, I was constantly seeking out the best coffee in whatever city I was in. You immediately feel connected to the community when you drink locally roasted coffee; part of this unspoken team of people preparing to tackle the day together. Some people say you know a city when you can give a stranger directions; I know a city when I can recommend my favourite local coffee shop.

So then I thought, how can I bring this sense of community, and these amazing specialty coffees, conveniently to everyone’s front door?”– Troy Goldthorp
One of the coolest things for us about Gold Door Coffee is that they are a Zero-Waste subscription company!
Now, on to the biggest reason everyone is here, the making and drinking of the cocktails!

Firstly, you need to get your hands on a high quality, freshly roasted coffee. We were using last month’s batch from Saint Henri. You’re going to want to grind it up to a coarse setting for a French Press right before you brew. Now, if you don’t have a French Press, you can make it using whatever method you’d like, just make sure to make it a little stronger for the cocktail.
Next, grab that bottle of Vodka or Bourbon (Whichever you prefer), Eggs, Demerara Syrup (AKA. Brown Sugar Syrup)[Link] that you made earlier, smoking board, boston shaker, strainer, & ice.
1st – Smoke that glass on Oak. This smoke will give flavours/aromas of Vanilla, Cocoa, and Nuttiness, complimenting the flavours in the coffee
2nd – Now, carefully crack the egg and separate the whites into the boston shaker.
3rd – Add the liquor, syrup, and coffee
4th – Add ice, then shake aggressively making sure to create a thick froth.
5th – If you want the best froth, shake it a second time once you’ve strained the ice out.
6th – Garnish with three coffee beans
If you’re looking for other cocktails during these times, check out our cocktail recipes on our site here.